Mahoo's Meandering Memoir

Hi, My scribbles and rambles from Japan for family and friends to peruse at their leisure. Pardon the grammatical and spelling errors. I'm often posting late at night and knackered. much love and peace, mahoo copyright 2006

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Festival Food

Kakegawa O'Matsuri: Food

This is one matsuri where I decided to really partake of the festival food. It just happened that way as I was fully documenting from late morning to late evening. I resigned myself to the fact I had to sample all the festival fare as apart of matsuri research. Oh, the burden of it.

There was takoyaki (octopus dumplings), okonomiyaki (seafood/cabbage pancake), choco-banana, taiyaki (sweet bean paste in fish shapes molds), doroyaki (small pancake like desserts filled with sweet bean paste), ameringo (candied apple), kara age (fried chicken), lots of hot dog like things, and so much more that I did not sample. (It’s hard to write about food.) It was all fantastic and I was not the only one preoccupied with food. I could hear other people chattering about what they would eat next. I was busy constructing a similar list.


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