Day 3 of Omatsuri
Kakegawa Omatsuri Day 3
I gear myself for the last day of the Omatsuri. This time I try to catch all the different yatais and enjoy the day for what it is. I check on some of the festivities that are happening around the fringes of town, like in my neighbourhood where they are doing their own thing. And having a good time.
Kakegawa castle has been exceptionally busy with all the tourists coming to check out the now famous castle. Throngs of people make their way up the many stairs.
It is another beautiful days and the town is captivated in matsuri magick. I do notice that people are somewhat tired. I can hear people loading up the yatais with sake and someone saying that they need to have more sake on board!
In the center of Kakegawa, it is another day similar to day 2 with a media center and performances taking place in front. Many yatais are piled, awaiting their turn to perform. Once this performance processions is over, yatais make their way around town.
I am running around for most of the day. I try to take it all in and I persevere until the end and watch the full festivities. In the evening it is another chaotic, or seemlingly so, bustle of yatais meeting and facing off with spirited cheering sections. It is great to so many women out and bout being equally loud and rowdy. As 9:00 pm approaches, things start to get packed away; sadly the food stalls are first to shut down. I check on some of yatais on their return journey home. Many return to their community centers where ceremonious speeches take place, bringing closure to year’s Omatsuri.
Bringing a close to Kakegawa's Omatsuri
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