Mahoo's Meandering Memoir

Hi, My scribbles and rambles from Japan for family and friends to peruse at their leisure. Pardon the grammatical and spelling errors. I'm often posting late at night and knackered. much love and peace, mahoo copyright 2006

Monday, February 05, 2007

New life in Tokyo

Feb. 5, 2007

The last two weeks have been a whirlwind. I cannot even begin to write about it. But things have gone from one surprise to another. It started off rather distressing, as I realized that I would not seriously be able to share a room. It might be the Tokyo way, but I am too into having my own space. So after having a heart to heart with my roommate, she decided that she would sublet her apartment and that meant that I had to scramble for housing. The amazing thing is that I sorted out my housing and job situation in two days, while I was struggling with a cold, I might add. I was offered a fulltime job with a large corporation, who ironically specialize in the business of marriages as well as English schools. There is a recurring theme of me being in close proximity to marriage institutions that started in Shizuoka and even here on Omotesando, I am next to some huge marriage facility called Anniversaire and there are marriages going on constantly. Anyways this huge corporation, which I will refer to as Z, is offering me a spot at their Shinjuku branch with good pay and short hours, as well as set curriculum. The next day I am offered a position as music teacher at an exclusive school for children that I will refer to as Zoo. Notice the letter Z connection? Zoo is a small company with two schools and caters to rich kids essentially. The pay is good and comes with 5 weeks paid vacation and national holidays. I really dig this school because the kids can actually speak English and it is fun just hanging out there. What a contrast to my previous teaching job, which was draining and gruesome. I will teach basic music theory and also get paid to develop a music curriculum for the schools. The director is totally into taiko and we have talked about starting a children’s taiko group. Needless to say, I am over the moon. This job is also full time, but won’t start till later in March so I will work for Z corporation in the meantime and phase it out to part time when Zoo starts up. The director at Zoo is very cool (with a California streak to her), very beautiful, and is treating me very well indeed. Upon hearing of my housing dilemma, she said, “Would you like to live in a very large house?” You gotta be kidding me, but no. She was totally serious and now all my problems have been solved and I feel like Cinderella. Not only is the house awesome and the rent cheap, she is taking me shopping so that we can furnish the house with essentials. I love shopping with her! She whips out the credit card and suddenly the entire kitchen is furnished.


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