Mahoo's Meandering Memoir

Hi, My scribbles and rambles from Japan for family and friends to peruse at their leisure. Pardon the grammatical and spelling errors. I'm often posting late at night and knackered. much love and peace, mahoo copyright 2006

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Kyoto pt. 3

Kyoto at night and it's many canals - this is in the Gion area

After an exhlilerating concert with Hono O-daiko in Kanazawa, I made my way back to Kyoto that evening and despite being exhausted, could not resist more sightseeing. Like a great passion, I could not resist Kyoto.

The next day it was back to the tourist trails, of which there are numerous. I made my way to the Silver Pavillion, mistaking the reading for the Goldern temple. Oh dear. It was fine, but I kept thinking, "this does not look like the Golden Temple. I was tired and it was an exhausting long weekend, ok. I should have known from the reading, Gin is silver and Kin is gold. Duhhhh

Beautiful rock gardens and very important moss......

I was feeling envious of this bear snoozing away, by late afternoon..............


  • At 6:34 AM, Blogger Marcin said…

    I have a picture of the very same VIMoss sign! Ha! :-)



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