Mahoo's Meandering Memoir

Hi, My scribbles and rambles from Japan for family and friends to peruse at their leisure. Pardon the grammatical and spelling errors. I'm often posting late at night and knackered. much love and peace, mahoo copyright 2006

Monday, November 06, 2006


Nov. 6, 2006

This is the event that made this weekend so exceptional - Hono-O-Daiko's 20th anniversary concert. Thanks to Marcin,Ted, and Hideyo for making all this possible! Embarrassing to admit, I had partied until the wee hours in Osaka and was in quite a state the day of the show. Thanks to the company of good people, I did not have much thinking to do and tagged along for the adventure. And what an adventure.

It seemed to take forever to get to the venue, which was in a small village (I was comatose so I don't recall the name). It was several more train rides from Kanazawa and a very long walk. I thought we would never get to our destination. Hungry and thirsty, we finally made it in good time for the show. There was no merchandise for sale, as it was not that sort of a commercial performance, but rather a celebration of their achievements.

Gotta love the outfitls - I do!

I can say that this was one of the most amazing taiko concerts I have attended. It was something of a private party to begin with and had a certain select intimacy, I thought. The emotion of thanks and gratitude that was conveyed during this concert moved me to tears, not a commom response in a taiko concert - tears that is. What a powerful performance! I have never seen woman perform in such a powerful and dynamic expression. Absolutely stunning. I had few words at the time of the show and still do. You just had to be there. I thought that perhaps my 'over partied' state had contributed to this experience, but my comrades were equally blown away. This is what I came to Japan for - to be blown away by taiko performance at this level. I was so blown away from start to finish, that it never entered my head to record the show, despite the fact that I had a video camera on my person. But sometimes it is far better to be fully present than be preoccupied with recording. Marcin did record excerpts, so check the ethnoid blog for his links that includes footage from a most amazing part of the show.

Hono-O-Daiko apprentices? Whomever, they rocked.

The goddess of taiko: Jige-san. She appears slight, but she packs a serious wallop topped off with boundless energy. Truly inspirational. I am in a bit of glassy eyed groupie state here, as one can easily see. She listened graciously as I fumbled on about this, that and the other.

Truly this is a concert I will never forget. One of those moments when I am so happy to be in Japan!


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