Mahoo's Meandering Memoir

Hi, My scribbles and rambles from Japan for family and friends to peruse at their leisure. Pardon the grammatical and spelling errors. I'm often posting late at night and knackered. much love and peace, mahoo copyright 2006

Friday, November 10, 2006


A sign of times. The local vegetation is looking like these ornamental items. They sweep the sides of the river in Kakegawa and glisten in the sunlight. Beautiful. The photos do not justice. Autumn is definitelty lurking, although I see few colourful tress, the air is brisk, especially during the evenings. I am forced to buy a hat from the second hand store, it is has become so cold at night, reinforced by the dry wind. Strangely and wonderfully so, the mornings are beautiful and warm.. Just like San francisco. I can heat up my apartment by opening up the curtains in the early morn. There is not doubt that winter is around the corner.

I felt it was important to post a photo of the south side of the train station. It has a different look from the north side, which faces downtown and the bustle of the centre of town. The south side is sleepier and has at its claim to fame - the shinkansen entrance. And this unusual pyramid sculpture. Kakegawa is home to some interesting bits of art.

The bicycle rides along the river is very beautiful and I am certainly enjoying the brisk climate that is autumn. I try to bike along this way everyday so that I can be at peace in the moment.

My 30 cent hat. peace out.


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